Join us for various events featuring Bookmark Indy authors!

September 22-24 | Draft Creative Space

The 2023 Line Break Writers Series, supported by Indiana Humanities, is a three-day-long writing retreat open to local poets and writers. The series will be back in 2024.

Writers who attend will grow together as artists, learning more about the creative and practical process of creating meaningful work and sustaining oneself as a professional writer. Participants will take part in workshops led by accomplished local poets, will work on developing their own new works, and will conclude their retreat by sharing their works in a celebration open to family and friends.

Supported by The National Bank of Indianapolis, Indiana Humanities’ Central Indiana Literary Partner

Report Back.

Read the location passage. What questions would you ask the author? What would help you understand the author's viewpoint?

Added TEXTure.

Writing is about more than just words. Look around to discover what textures are most prevalent in this place. Do a texture rubbing using a piece of paper and a crayon or pencil.

In the Margins.

What inspires you most about this place? Draw a quick doodle of it in the margin of one of your books.

Found sound.

Walk around the location and record the sounds of surroundings. Did what you hear depend on what time you visited?

Backward / Forward.

Cities change—what did your location look like in 1920? What will it look like in 2120?


Find another perspective by walking to a different spot around this location. Do you notice anything new? Which of your five senses notices a change first?

Strike a Prose.

Write a short passage describing how this place inspires you.

Love Letter / BreakUp Letter.

Think about your relationship with the place you’re visiting or perhaps with your own neighborhood. Is it time to commit? Or time to let go? Write a letter as if you’re speaking directly to the place you have in mind.

Field Notes.

Explore your stream of consciousness by writing down every thought that enters your mind.