The Bookmark Indy Summer Youth Poetry Workshop
Do you know an Indianapolis high school student who would like to build their creative writing skills? Freewrite: The Bookmark Indy Summer Youth Poetry Workshop is a eight-session program for high school freshmen to seniors meeting each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Harrison Center for the Arts in Indianapolis from Wednesday, May 31, through Friday, June 16. During the program, a small cohort of students will write and grow together as artists, learning more about the process of finding their voice and creating original poetry as a community. Participants will take field trips to start new poems, learn the elements of poetic craft through writing exercises inspired by seminal poets and be visited by artists from other disciplines to test their powers of collaboration and thinking outside the lines. The program is free and open to Indianapolis high school students.
Applications due Friday, May 12.
Supported by The National Bank of Indianapolis, our Central Indiana Literary Partner.